Disney hat endlich (?) den Titel für Episode 8 bekannt gegeben.
„Star Wars – The Last Samurai Jedi“
Disney’s / Lucasfilm’s Begründung:
„We have the greatest fans in this or any other galaxy. In appreciation of the fans, we wanted them to be the first to know the title of the next chapter in the Skywalker saga: STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI. THE LAST JEDI is written and directed by Rian Johnson and produced by Kathleen Kennedy and Ram Bergman and executive produced by J.J. Abrams, Jason McGatlin, and Tom Karnowski. STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI is scheduled for release December 15, 2017.“
Da schau’n wir mal, was draus wird.
Hier nochmal zur Erinnerung alle Episodentitel:
- Episode I: The Phantom Menace
- Episode II: Attack of the Clones
- Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
- Episode IV: A New Hope
- Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
- Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
- Episode VII: The Force Awakens
- Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
Und zum Schluss nochmal der Ankündigungsteaser aus dem letzten Jahr

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